WARNING: The lockdowns will never end unless you demand an end-date!


Join the call to make December 8
‘Unlock Australia Day’

The lockdowns must end.

Two weeks to flatten the curve has quickly turned into hundreds and hundreds of days of dangerous, soul-crushing, job-destroying lockdown.

Record numbers of Australians are now being vaccinated against COVID-19 and very soon, there won’t be any excuses for State Premiers and Chief Ministers to keep their people locked down.

And yet…

The Premiers and Chief Ministers are refusing to rule out further lockdowns… even if 80% of their population is vaccinated.

More lockdowns mean more job losses, more suffering, and sadly, more people taking their own lives.

It’s time to give the ‘National Cabinet’ a deadline.

Join the call to make December 8 ‘Unlock Australia Day’.


How Lockdowns Are Crippling Australia…
And What You Can Do About It!

Endless lockdowns come at a high cost.

They have unintended consequences the politicians and health bureaucrats haven’t thought through – because they don’t feel them.

  • Schools are dealing with double the number of suicide attempts and self-harm among students since the start of the pandemic last year.
  • Economists predict 300,000 jobs will be lost in Australia as tens of thousands of people give up looking for work – all because of the current round of lockdowns.
  • Lifeline has three times set all-time records – three times last month! – for the number of calls taken in a single day.
  • Recent lockdowns in Melbourne and Sydney have driven a massive surge in calls by distressed children to the Kids Helpline, taking demand to the highest level recorded in the pandemic.
  • No one has yet been able to measure the impact on mental health, especially for blokes who’ve lost jobs or hours and are struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over their head.
  • The cost for small businesses has been astronomical, with most struggling just to pay the rent.

So enough is enough!

At the beginning of the pandemic, Australians were told that lockdowns were necessary so we could ‘flatten the curve’ to increase capacity in hospitals in preparation for an influx of patients.

But as the months went on it became clear that Premiers and Chief Ministers were pursuing an elimination strategy, rather than a suppression strategy.

This cannot go on forever.

The Premiers and Chief Ministers must be given a clear end date.

Join the call to make December 8 ‘Unlock Australia Day’.

By then everyone who wants the jab has had the opportunity to get it.


Why a ‘Zero COVID’ is unachievable
and why Australia must open up

The politicians told us they had a plan.

They told us that once 80% of Australians were vaccinated, then you’d finally get your freedoms back.

And then they backtracked…

The Premiers of Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia have all ‘reserved their right’ to keep their people locked down even after reaching the 80% vaccination mark.

Instead, they have said they will chase a policy of “zero COVID”.

“Zero COVID” is unsustainable.

It means constant, rolling lockdowns every time a single person in their state tests positive for COVID.

The only way to get back to work and get our kids back in school is to give everyone the opportunity to get a jab, then unlock Australia. 

After long months of pandemic restrictions and lockdown, Australians needs a date to look forward to with certainty and hope.

Let’s give them hope with ‘Unlock Australia Day’ on December 8.

So the day the Ashes kick off in Brisbane... now becomes that day the borders come down, the masks come off, the lockdowns end and Australians get back to work and in school. By then everyone who wants the jab has had the opportunity to get it.

On Unlock Australia Day –  December 8 – let’s unlock Australia, unlock Australian families, unlock Australian businesses, unlock Australian communities.

Join the call today to make December 8 ‘Unlock Australia Day’.


How your signature will make a difference
Why your voice is needed now more than ever 

When you sign the open letter, you will be joining with over 100,000 mainstream Australians who have partnered with Advance Australia to advocate for a freer, and more prosperous Australia.

Thanks to Australians like you, together we’ve achieved significant wins like exposing Bill Shorten’s plans for a Death Tax, locking in bi-partisan support to keep Australia Day on January 26, and stopping the planned ‘wokeification’ of the National Curriculum.

Advance Australia is your voice for a fair go because when we all speak up together, we can make a difference.

To the State Premiers and Territory Chief Ministers,

Never-ending, rolling lockdowns and an unrealistic “Zero COVID” strategy are not the answer Australia needs.

It’s time to stop moving the goal posts on Australians.

We are calling on you to commit enshrining December 8 as the date for ‘Unlock Australia Day’.

December 8 is a realistic, achievable deadline.

By December 8, every Australian who wants to get vaccinated will have had that opportunity.

We cannot go on in lockdown forever.

Lockdowns are costing too many jobs and hurting too many people.

It’s time to Unlock Australia.

Goal: 60,000 SIGNATURES

Will you sign?