Advance Aus Ltd


The fight is on and there’s every chance this is going down to the wire.

We are giving everything to defeat the Voice of Division.

Because Australians are strongest when we’re one together, not two divided.

The Yes campaign is unleashing a $20 million advertising campaign*, backed by the mainstream media and big companies like Qantas.

So that’s why your generous tax-deductible contribution today is so critical.

You’ll put serious firepower behind this campaign by helping to meet a crucial $3 million campaign funding target between now and referendum day.

The Yes campaign’s last hope is that you take your foot off the accelerator.

Your generous support is the only way we can come close to matching the Yes campaign’s advertising in South Australia and Tasmania.

If we don’t double down, they could buy this election!

So let’s stay focused on winning this so Australia stays united.

Your gift goes straight into the fight, and we’re giving it everything.

Grateful for you,

Matthew Sheahan
Executive Director, ADVANCE

Australians for Unity (AFU) is a registered charity, with Deductible Gift Recipient status. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

AFU is required to disclose the name and address of any person or entity that makes donations to AFU above the $15,200 disclosure threshold. You can read more about this here. 

All donations made to AFU will go to supporting the ‘No’ campaign by Fair Australia, powered by ADVANCE.


*The Sydney Morning Herald, ‘“Will I live as long as other Australians?” Yes launches last chance $20 million ad blitz’, September 15, 2023.

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I have read and understood Australians for Unity Ltd’s Donations Policy and Privacy Policy.

I am not a foreign donor as defined by the Commonwealth Electoral Act.

I understand that Australians for Unity Ltd (AFU) is a registered charity, with Deductible Gift Recipient status. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

I understand that AFU is required to disclose the name and address of any person or entity that makes donations to AFU above the $15,200 disclosure threshold. You can read more about this here.

I understand that all donations made to AFU will go to supporting the ‘No’ campaign by Fair Australia, powered by ADVANCE.

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