Speak up today by signing the Freedom Pledge to show you believe in freedom of choice.

You’ll send a powerful message to the unhinged state Premiers who’ll use any excuse to grab more power with vaccine passports and lockdowns to control you with their 'two-tiered' society.

You know Australia is a democracy that should be fair and free for all.

So put your voice front and centre now by signing the Freedom Pledge today to say Australians deserve the freedom to choose their own medical treatment and their own way of life.

Yes, I will take the FREEDOM PLEDGE.

I’m standing up for the freedom to choose.

I’m saying NO to a ‘two-tiered’ Australia.

I’m calling on Annastacia Palaszczuk, Daniel Andrews and Mark McGowan to BACK OFF.

I will not discriminate against my fellow Australians because of their personal choice.

Goal: 50,000 SIGNATURES

Will you sign?