Joel Fitzgibbon: ‘I serve working people who depend on the economic health of the coal industry’
Joel Fitzgibbon’s absence from Parliament after the next election will be a serious loss to Australia.
Unlike the vast majority of his Labor colleagues, Joel represents those Australians who are employed in blue-collar industries that are dependent upon cheap baseload coal-fired power to compete with China and the rest of the third-world. Hence, Joel is hellbent on meeting Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, the only Democrat who is standing up to sleepy Joe Biden’s radical net-zero and renewable energy agenda.
In an interview with the Australian Financial Review, Joel declared his admiration for, and “determined” interest in meeting Manchin, who like himself, grew up in and now represents, a coal mining electorate.
“I’m now determined to meet [Manchin]…The parallels between [Manchin’s] situation and mine are very significant. Like me, Joe serves both a centre-left party and working people who depend on the economic health of the coal industry…As the chair of the Senate energy committee, Joe Manchin understands the role coal generation plays in grid stability and energy reliability. More strength to his arm on that front.”
Well said, mate! You’re bang on the money.
As Advance wrote earlier this year, the Labor party has shamelessly turned their back on their base and history.
Just compare Labor of the 1920-1930s, when “Big Fella” Premier Jack Lang called the shots to Labor of the 21st century, which prioritises our reputation with globalist bureaucrats and their green billionaire backers over our heavy industries, blue-collar workers and national sovereignty.
In the early 1930s, NSW Premier Jack Lang was furious that after having sent a generation of its finest young men to die in service to the British Empire during World War I, Australia was being crushed by interest payments on its wartime debt to the bankers in London.
His fury became palpable when London refused to reduce Australia’s interest payments after the Americans agreed to reduce rates on Britain’s debt in acknowledgement of the pain inflicted upon millions during the Great Depression.
As a result, Lang decided Australia should pay no further interest to London’s bondholders until the interest on our war debt was reduced to American rates – especially while Australia’s limbless veterans, mourning widows and unemployed masses suffered on the streets.
Today, Labor is doing the complete opposite when it comes to climate change.
Although there’s no doubt our coal-fired power plants underpin Australia’s industrial competitiveness while our mining industries pay for our education, health and welfare systems, Labor wants to shut them down to avoid damaging our international reputation on climate action.
In fact, the once “party of the workers” is following in the very footsteps of Western Australia’s Nationalist Premier Sir James Mitchell who rejected Lang’s pro-workers, pro-industry plan on the grounds Australia’s international reputation would be negatively impacted.
Afterall, as Labor Senate leader Penny Wong has said repeatedly, Australia cannot build new coal-fired power plants and approve/extend new mines because we’re becoming “isolated internationally” on climate change.
Tell them to bugger off, Penny!
Australia is for Australians, and our politicians should be fighting for our country, not the interests of the globalist elites who are greenmailing our democracy into committing to net-zero emissions.
A few pointers are listed below:
- In the same way Lang refused to pay the interest we owed to London on our war debt until it reduced our rates as the Americans did for the British, Labor must refuse to commit to net-zero emissions until the CCP stops building its 127 new coal-fired power plants.
- Labor must put the interests of Australian workers in manufacturing, mining and energy-intensive industry over its desire to be internationally recognised as a leader on climate action; as Lang put the interests of veterans, widows and orphans over those of British bondholders.
- Labor must learn from Lang’s aversion to the “do-gooders and the crusaders for international brotherhood” and stand up to the threat the CCP poses without fear of appearing too harsh, “racist” or insensitive.
Get on with it or lose yet another election!
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