No sex please, We’re Tasmanian

Babies born in Tasmania are set to be “genderless” on their official birth certificate, with moves likely to remove the specification of which sex they are from the official document.

The Australian reports:

Tasmania is set to become the first state to remove the sex of a child from birth certificates, in a major win for transgender people that has been attacked by critics as “abolishing gender”.

A vote is expected in Tasmania’s lower house next month, as amendments to a bill ending the need for trans people to divorce before they can change their gender on official documents.

While the bill’s central aim has tripartite support, the Liberal government, Christian groups and feminists fear it has been “hijacked” by the transgender lobby via a series of Labor and Greens amendments.

The Hodgman government relies on the casting vote of Liberal Speaker Sue Hickey, who was elected to the position with Greens and Labor support and votes as an independent.

Labor and the Greens both plan amendments to remove gender from birth certificates, while also backing changes to remove the need for trans people to have sex change surgery before switching gender on official documents.

So, the biology of gender is relegated and deemed irrelevant.

What implications are there for security and identity, in the future, when the primary official identification document – our birth certificate – leaves out our gender? What level of confusion does this add and what does it say to the child when he or she discovers their parents think their genderless?

For the vast majority of people, gender is not a social construct – it’s a reality of nature – of biology.

It’s certainly not irrelevant to who we are and how we function as a society.
