Why this Australia Day is extra special
As the bushfires slowly subside, what a blessed thing it is to have Australia Day this Saturday.
These last few months we’ve seen Aussie greatness on display in spades.
Australians step up in times of crisis.
The truckloads of fodder heading to burnt out farms, the millions of dollars in donations from the famous and not-so-famous alike and the heroics of our firefighters make one prouder than ever to be Australian.
Seeing the reserves called up and navy ships evacuating entire communities puts a lump in your throat.
The bravery of the low-flying water bomber pilots in large and small aircraft has been breathtaking to watch.
The sheer professionalism of the Rural Fire Service, Country Fire Authority and emergency management authorities has calmed nerves nation-wide.
And it’s humbling to see the enthusiasm of our neighbouring Papua New Guinean and Fijian soldiers so keen to lend a hand.
Our Prime Minister has stood fast, pouring billions of dollars into the recovery effort despite flack from haters seeking to tear down his Prime Ministership.
No one begrudges taxpayer expense at a time like this – our mates are in trouble and we’re more than happy to see coin go to their aid.
Calls for the bush to once again be managed the way our indigenous brothers and sisters managed it for thousands of years is further proof that the left’s characterisation of Australians as racist is a lie.
And it’s not just the scorched earth that’s smouldering: anger at The Greens for running obstruction to hazard reduction is rightly white hot.
Most people have the good sense to reject the bogus claims that climate change has caused the fires.
Australians can tell the difference between a hot summer off the back of a crippling drought and the work of more than 200 ratbag arsonists setting fire to fuel-rich bush.
Cool heads, hard work, mateship, generosity and loyalty have all come to the fore during this fire crisis.
We are a great nation.
We’ve got each others’ backs and will continue rallying together until we’re out of the woods.
So after all we’ve been through together in recent months – to say nothing of all we’ve achieved together in the last 200+ years – Australia Day 2020 is one for us all to savour with great pride.
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