Former PM Paul Keating: let’s ditch the US and side with China
If you’re not begging for “good and appropriate relations” with the CCP, former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating reckons you’re a “little American” who can’t think for himself.
Just this week, ASIO warned that many Australian leaders don’t think Chinese espionage is a problem to be dealt with (should it jeopardise our economic ties with Beijing).
Meanwhile, Keating writes an op-ed in The Australian saying that those who take the threat of Chinese Communist Party expansionism seriously are “little Americans who cannot see past the United States and its interests”.
Really, mate?
Are you sure you’re not a “little Chinese”?
Keating continues.
Australia now has another class of such people in its public life – Austral-Americans – people who don’t know which side of the national fence they are on or should be on.
These people populate our security agencies, the likes of ASPI, the military services and important sections of the media.
In terms of Australia’s sovereign interests – the gift of a continent, our position and proximity to Asia – these people prefer an exclusive faith in an Atlantic power half a world away.
Paul, not everything is about “position and proximity”.
Just because Australia is closer to Beijing than Washington DC, doesn’t mean we should shift allegiance.
How about the history, morals, values, systems, institutions and language we share with the United States, mate?
Paul, China has two million soldiers, and Australia only has 56,000.
Do you seriously think Australia would be able to maintain its sovereignty without outside help from a fellow liberal democracy like the United States?
Do you think Indonesia, Thailand and Papua New Guinea would come to Australia’s defence?
Of course, they won’t! Our security pact with the United States is what keeps us safe, Paul. You know it, and we know it.
That doesn’t mean Australia shouldn’t have the defence capabilities to defend itself as a nation.
But honestly, Paul.
Go back to tinkering with your antique clocks, or playing with your property portfolio.
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