Greens ugly activism in action
Need more proof the Greens are not Bob Brown’s environmental party anymore?
Look no further than the latest activist disruption at this Sydney local council.
As The Australian reported:
Police were called to a Sydney council chambers on Tuesday night after a Greens-led pro-Palestine protest turned ugly, forcing the abandonment of the meeting amid safety concerns and the targeting of Jewish speakers, before officers escorted out staff and councillors.
The rally at the Inner West Council meeting was promoted by Greens Councillor Dylan Griffiths as a campaign stunt.
Activists using official council meetings for their own cynical politics is bad enough.
But it quickly got out of hand when the more than 100 Greens activists overwhelmed the meeting by booing local Jewish residents, chanting anti-semetic slogans, and waving Palestinian flags in the faces of other community members.
Some even made gestures associated with the Hamas terrorist organisation.
It’s sickening.
The police were called and councillors had to be escorted out of the meeting due to concerns for their safety.
This divisive behaviour is not good for our communities but it’s the Greens’ stock in trade now.
As NSW Jewish Board of Deputies president David Ossip told The Australian:
The abuse, harassment and intimidation that non-Green councillors, council staff and Jewish residents were subjected to was beyond appalling, even for a radical movement which continues to plunge new depths.
All people of goodwill need to protect our democracy and social cohesion by uniting against (the Greens’) dangerous, divisive and anarchical behaviour.
Back in the day when the Greens were starting out the police used to show up for blocking construction of dams to protect the environment.
You might have disagreed with them but you could understand their perspective.
Now the police are showing up because the Greens activists are engaging in anti-semitism and threats of violence.
They’re a completely different type of political party now.
They’re not who they used to be.
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