Labor elite Kristina Keneally tipped to lose
After being one of the worst and most unpopular premiers in the history of New South Wales, Kristina Kenneally weaselled her way into federal parliament.
However, with the election on Saturday, KK’s time may finally be up.
Keneally’s primary vote has collapsed by nearly 13 points to 42 per cent. When it comes to the two-party preferred state of play, Keneally has 45 per cent of the vote and her opponent Le has 38 per cent. However, with a margin of error of four points, and 17 percent of voters undecided, there’s no doubt it’s too close to call at this stage.
So why are voters in a traditionally Labor electorate backing an independent over a Labor party heavyweight?
Gross hypocrisy seems to be the obvious answer.
First of all, she has NO connections to the seat. In fact, she lives 66 kilometres away on Scotland Island in the ritzy Pittwater area of Sydney’s northern beaches. If she took public transport from her home to the community she now claims to represent, it would take her 3 hours and 10 minutes via boat, two buses and a train.
Perhaps even more offensive to the people of Fowler was the preselection process that gave KK the opportunity to run in the seat.
Former Labor MP for Fowler Chris Hayes – who held the seat with a 55 per cent two-party preferred vote – endorsed local Vietnamese-Australian lawyer, Tu Le. However, Kristina and the Labor party establishment weren’t having a bar of it. Kristina needed a seat and the powers that be did everything they could to make sure she got her way.
As such Hayes was ignored. Local preselectors and Labor party members were snubbed. KK was parachuted into the seat, and now she’s suffering the consequences for her blinding arrogance.
Just ask the readers of The Daily Telegraph.
Darren wrote, “Good hope Keneally loses big time. It might show these arrogant politicians that they can't just put in a candidate that they want to give a job to.” (77 likes).
David asked, “Is anyone surprised by this? Is anyone disappointed? Hopefully the same in Parramatta, where again a totally unsuitable candidate was parachuted in.” (68 likes).
Ian remarked, “Great to see that the locals can see straight through Keneally👍” (63 likes).
Patrick said, “KK is goooone. I know a lot of people from Fowler. They’re all changing their vote. They all voted Labor because that’s what they were always told to do. Now they actually have someone to vote for (rather, not vote for).” (57 likes).
While Mark commented that “our borders will be safer if she is gone”. (52 likes).
You’re damn right, Mark.
Our borders will be safer. Our finances will be safer. And our economy will be safer.
Vote wisely, Australia!
Don’t let this woman and her best buddy Penny Wong run the country…
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