No more division, let’s unite Australia!

Too many Aussies are doing it tough right now.

We have a cost-of-living crisis thrust upon us by Labor’s economic policy failures and distractions.

Working multiple jobs just to pay the bills has become the norm for many Aussie working families.

Labor could not care less.

Too many Aussies are doing it tough while Labor obsessively attacks our values.

Rather than bringing us together to build a better economic future, Labor continues to divide us with their fringe, woke obsessions.

Even after such a resounding referendum defeat on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, Labor have doubled down on their racial divisiveness.

Sensible Australians told Labor exactly what they thought of dividing our great country based on race and ethnicity. The result was crystal clear! 

Labor has thumbed their nose at this message.

Take “Welcome to Country” ceremonies that are now performed ad nauseam at functions, business meetings and sporting events across Australia, whether you like it or not.

As Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has said: “Australians don't need to be welcomed to their own country”.

“There is no problem with acknowledging our history, but rolling out these performances before every sporting event or public gathering is definitely divisive,” she said.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson called out the absurdity of this ceremony. She criticised those who use it to divide our country and shame non-Indigenous Aussies into feeling guilty about the past.

In a Senate statement, Hanson said the tradition is “divisive” and something “many people tell me they are just over”.

And it keeps getting worse.

Sky News reported that “the future of the Welcome to Country ceremony has been called into question after an explanation of the tradition was delivered before an AFL finals match”.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Brendan Kerin, a cultural educator from the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, addressed the crowd (at that match):

“It is not a ceremony we’ve invented to cater for white people. It’s a ceremony we’ve been doing for 250,000 years-plus BC. And the BC stands for Before Cook.”

This is actually nonsense. According to Quadrant

“Contrary to popular belief and practice, there is no evidence the fashionably modern ‘Welcome to Country’ ceremonies were ever a part of traditional Aboriginal culture. Instead, as is well if not widely known, they were created as recently as the 1970’s by none other than Ernie Dingo and his cobber, Dr Richard Walley.”

Ernie Dingo is an Indigenous Australian actor, television presenter and comedian. He is clearly having the last laugh with all of this. 

Unsurprisingly, Kerin’s distortion of the truth at that match has caused an uproar across the country. 

Former Victorian Liberal President Michael Kroger led the charge, and good on him for doing so:

"That was an embarrassment on Saturday night. A farce. Australians voted on this last year, it culminated in the Voice, and people said no.”

Kroger echoed the sentiments of sensible Australians:  

“What we want are the types of things Jacinta Price talks about – practical help on the ground for domestic violence, alcoholism, unemployment, schooling, kids, violence, lawbreakers – let’s do something practical.”

Leading NO campaigner, Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, said Australians want the best for “the vulnerable and needy in our country (but) the voice failed to realise this”.

Senator Nampijinpa Price also said that “the leaders of the Yes campaign (are) blaming others for their own failures and not recognising the division they have caused”.

Labor, supported by the Greens and the Teals, don’t care about practical solutions that might actually help Indigenous people. 

So, where to from here? 

It’s time to unite Australia following Labor’s racial and ethnic division being rammed down our throats. 

ADVANCE Executive Director Matthew Sheahan summed this up perfectly in The Australian

“No more welcoming Australians to their own country, no more standing under three flags – there is one Australian flag, no more demonising Australia Day, no more indoctrinating our kids and loading them up with anxiety and guilt for what happened 200 years ago.”

Labor should get back to the issues that matter now.

It’s time for common sense to prevail. We’ve had enough!