Power bills up after Albo’s promises cuts with ‘renewables’
Remember when Anthony Albanese and his mates told you they’d reduce your power bill by $275 per year?
Yeah well, less than a year later, power bills have gone up by 38 per cent.
Is anybody surprised?
Since being voted in, all Albo and his mates have done is push their divisive Voice to Parliament, ram through their superannuation tax hikes and let Chris Bowen vandalise our power grid with Chinese-made solar panels and wind turbines.
…no wonder power prices have gone up.
Last year, energy bills went up 18 per cent. And now, Origin Energy is saying prices will likely leap by 20 per cent or more by July.
ADVANCE’s bet?
Prices will go up by a lot more than 20 per cent this winter.
In April, AGL Energy will shut down Liddell coal plant – which produces more than 10 per cent of New South Wales’ power. You can thank billionaire climate activists for that.
Callide Power Station in Queensland is still not back online after a fire in one of its generators. Again, nobody should be surprised. The power station was commissioned in 1965 and hasn’t been refurbished in a quarter of a century.
Meanwhile, Australia’s solar panels will produce much less power due to the winter sun, and our wind turbines only work 25 per cent of the time – so forget about relying on them.
Of course, the “experts” get it.
Energy Edge managing director Josh Stabler says “the outage at Callide C and the impending exit of AGL’s Liddell in three weeks sharpens the focus on the rest of the black and brown coal generator fleet during the coming winter to maintain a strong reliability after a run of forced outages during winter 2022.”
In other words?
Forget our solar panels and wind turbines! The only way to get through the winter is with coal-fired power. The issue with our power plants is that they are old and haven’t been refurbished in decades. Hence why we need new coal-fired power plants NOW.
The worst part about all this?
Power bills are counted as a part of the inflation data the Reserve Bank uses to make its interest rate decisions.
So this power situation is driving up inflation, which means the Reserve Bank will be forced to keep hiking interest rates!
So not only is the ‘Net Zero’ push destroying our manufacturing sector. Afterall, how can a high-wage economy like Australia be competitive in manufacturing when we also have high power prices. Remember, this wasn’t the case twenty years ago. We had a booming manufacturing sector because we had cheap coal-fired power.
But the ‘Net Zero’ push is a key contributor to the cost-of-living crisis that is hurting families, and most of all mortgage holders, right across the nation.
That’s why we call the situation this country is currently facing: “greenflation”.
…and it’s why we’re blaming Labor, the Greens and modern Liberals.
Hold them to account, Australia!
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