There has been one key player in the rise and rise of the Greens: Labor.

For decades they’ve preferenced the Greens in state and federal elections, helping get Greens elected time and again.

And at the next federal election, there’s a real chance that Labor preferences will give the Greens the balance of power in the next election. 

This is dangerous: Australians today are already poorer, less safe and less free thanks to the Greens. 

They have higher power bills. Higher taxes. Higher inflation. Higher rents. Higher mortgages.

And they have people in charge who hate Australia Day, the Australian flag, and Australia’s story.

This is Labor’s legacy, and they need to undo it. Now. 

Their preferences got us into this mess, and their preferences can help get us out. 

But they’ll only do it if Australia sends them a message.

The Greens will always put Australia last.

Labor, it’s your turn to put the Greens last. 

Sign this powerful open letter now and demand Labor take action.

The Labor party talks big about how they’re opposed to the Greens.

But every election without fail, they get them elected in cosy preference deals.

And that has directly led to Greens winning seats across the country, holding our nation to ransom for their extreme agenda.

It’s time Labor took responsibility.

YOU created the Greens rise to power, they can stop it.

This election YOU must put the Greens LAST.

No deals, no votes, no preferences in any electorate.

Before the 2025 Federal Election is called, Labor must commit to putting the Greens last.

The Greens always put Australia last.

Labor, now it’s your turn to put the Greens last.

Goal: 10,000 SIGNATURES

Will you sign?