The Anzac legacy is still strong

This Anzac Day we once again pause to remember and commemorate those who gave their lives to defend our country and our civilization.

It’s been over a hundred years since the Gallipoli landing yet their legacy is still alive in our culture.

We remember that those men and women who served in the Great War – and subsequent wars – did so in service of our country. 

To them, our country wasn’t some abstraction, it wasn’t an idea. It’s a real place, a real land, with real people who share common values and culture.

A thing worth defending.

That the Gallipoli battle ended in defeat only strengthens that message: some things are worth defending even if you lose. And, as it turned out, the battle was lost but ultimately not the war.

It’s clear that everyday Australians still take the legacy of the Anzacs seriously. Despite the best efforts of the activist left to attack our country, to divide it, and to pretend this is about glorifying war, hundreds of thousands of Aussies will still get out of bed before dawn tomorrow to attend a service and remember.

That’s proof that the silent majority of Aussies still take our country seriously and still want to remember those who fought for it.

So remember and commemorate this Anzac Day and be grateful we live in the best country in the world.