The Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated this country

Australia’s political class is asleep at the wheel.

While our politicians fret over ‘Net Zero’ emissions and enshrining a divisive Voice into the Constitution, the Chinese Communist Party is infiltrating our lives and institutions.

According to recent media reports, young children are learning how to speak and read Chinese from textbooks that are written by Chinese government officials at taxpayer-funded community language centres.

Melbourne mum Emily Sun – who thought she had escaped the grip of the Chinese Communist Party by emigrating to Australia – spoke to the media about what Beijing has been trying to teach her kids.

Emily says her son is being influenced by CCP propaganda during classes at her local community language centre.

She says the textbooks her son studies assert that the South China Sea and Taiwan belong to China.

She says they falsely characterise China as a democracy.

The Chinese government is so brazen about its control over education in this country that it even credits the Communist Party as the editor of the textbooks.

In fact, a letter from the Chinese consulate says that “Model Schools of Chinese education” in Australia – which is the term Beijing uses to describe these language schools – must support One China policy and oppose any anti-Chinese government behaviour.

These model schools are even subjected to regular checks by Chinese consular officials – leaving the Chinese government with ultimate control of the education of thousands of young Australian children.

And the Victorian government subsidises 31 of these schools.

In this country, the taxpayer is subsidising classes where our children are subjected to Chinese Communist Party propaganda… and it’s all monitored by Chinese consular officials.

You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Another recent media report has revealed that Australian universities are unwittingly training Chinese hackers by cashing in on teaching collaborations with universities in China.

Cyber security and automation expert Val Wats says our universities are teaching students in China sophisticated hacking techniques that would allow them to attack our power networks, banking systems and government agencies.

The situation is so bad that security clearances aren’t required for students studying these courses.

This taxpayer-funded self-sabotage – and again, it is run by clueless education officials who say they won’t restrict sensitive cyber security content in collaborative work with Chinese universities because “we don’t discriminate on the grounds of race or nationality in the provision of coursework”.

It looks like the Chinese Communist Party is already using tactics they learnt at Australian universities to infiltrate our country.

This morning the Telegraph reported that the Pentagon is concerned that some of Australia’s most important ports, including Port Botany south of Sydney, could be vulnerable to hacking, data collection, and sabotage by the Chinese government.

As Peter Jennings, senior fellow and former executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said “too much of Australia’s critical infrastructure is vulnerable to Chinese hacking and sabotage”.

“Given our total dependence on imports for so many vital supplies, how could we have allowed this to happen?” he said.

“It will take a decade to unpick all these vulnerabilities.”