Read all of the latest news on the important issues impacting Australia.

Everyone Pays More for Solar Subsidies

Every Australian household will pay up to $190 more each year to fund even more solar subsidies, a new analysis has found. This is on top of the massive subsidies that have already pushed electrici...

Diversity Recognised as Divisive

Australian software giant and massive success story, Atlassian, is questioning how employers focus on diversity in the workplace. In an online article for Computerworld, Aubrey Blanche, Head of Div...

Churchill Too Offensive for Social Media

“In victory, magnanimity.” wrote Winston Churchill, one of the great leaders of modern times, after the end of World War II. A civil and fair sentiment you’d think - especially after staring down N...

A Winning Advantage - Transgender sport

In a clear case of ideology over biology, a transgender person who was born a man has won gold in a women’s cycling event at the UCI Masters track championships in Los Angeles. Dr Rachel McKinnon, ...