Read all of the latest news on the important issues impacting Australia.

Victorian Labor branch stackers play racism card to cover their tracks

Whinging and whining about racism and hurt feelings is the latest way to cover your tracks in politics, and the worst culprits are the hacks at the Victorian Labor Party.

The ABC is more focused on LGBT inclusion events than the homeless and national security

The ABC’s strategy for “diversity and inclusion” probably doesn’t include you, unless you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ alphabet community.

Asian banks are backing Aussie coal mining while the Big Four banks abandon it

The fear mongering is just getting boring now.

One tonne of ‘green hydrogen’ requires 20 tonnes of water and ‘blue hydrogen’ will release methane instead of CO2

“Green hydrogen” is the talk of the town and it looks as dangerous to Australia’s industrial competitiveness as solar and wind power has been.

‘Green hydrogen’ is a disaster waiting to happen

In his 2003 state of the union address, US President George W. Bush committed $US1.7 billion to research into hydrogen, saying “hydrogen is the key to a cleaner energy future…so America can lead th...

Wind farms kill crabs, birds, cattle and compromise the health of humans

If you asked a crab, cow, bird or human whether they’d rather live next to a coal-fired power plant or wind farm; the smart ones (including Bob Brown) would go with a coal-fired power plant.

From hero to zero: an open letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Dear Prime Minister,

123,000 Victorians lost their job in September 2021 thanks to Dictator Dan’s ‘short, sharp lockdown’

The ramifications of lockdowns on the economy, jobs and prosperity have been profound. Just ask the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Labor Senator who has a son with three fathers wants gender reassignment surgery to be paid by the taxpayer

There’s a reason Labor keeps losing elections at the same time as the Liberals turn their backs on their traditional voter base. The answer is: Labor’s looney social progressivism.