Read all of the latest news on the important issues impacting Australia.

Energy Supply in Crisis

Australia’s energy supply was yesterday in serious doubt, with consumers in two states being urged not to use their household appliances to ease pressure on a system pushed to breaking point. Heatw...

Quotas Are NO Replacement For Merit

Australia’s system of honours is set to become more politically correct (PC) if Labor is elected – with a vow to introduce gender “targets” on recipients of our highest honours. What ever happened ...

Exposed: Cost of Labor's Super Changes

There’s new and clear evidence of the devastating impact that Labor’s policy to remove franking credits will have. A growing number of investment companies are moving now to downscale their shareho...

PC Gender Approach Risks Lives

In a clear example of the lunacy that occurs when government adopts a politically correct (PC) agenda, lives are being put at risk in the UK as women who identify as male are being invited for vita...

Proud to Celebrate Australia Day

An exclusive nationwide poll has found that 78% of Australians are proud to celebrate Australia Day and 71% don’t want the date changed from January 26. In a clear rebuke to the politicians and lef...

Capital Gains Tax - Highest in the World

New analysis has found that Bill Shorten and Labor are set to thump Australians with the highest capital gains tax in the world. While Capital Gains Tax is a feature of most modern economies and ha...

GetUp!'s Hit List Reveals Bias

Left-wing activist organisation GetUp! has created a website with a “hit list” of 18 Federal MPs they plan to campaign against at the upcoming election – and not surprisingly every single one of th...

GetUp!'s War Chest Grows

Ever heard of “The Sunrise Project”?  Most Australians haven’t – but this little known environmental activist organisation funded in part from foreign donors has just gifted $495,000 to Get Up for ...

Energy Costs Drive Businesses and Jobs Offshore

Despite Australia’s wealth of natural resources, our energy costs are among the highest in world - and it’s seriously impacting on the competitiveness of Australian companies. New research by the U...